

  • 食材へのこだわり
  • 毎朝必ず豊洲に仕入れに行き、選び抜く食材、そしてコウリン(香林)の名前の通り、金沢から直送される季節食材でつくるつまみと鮨。



  • 鮨こうりん
  • Commitment to Excellence
  • Part of Masatomo’s philosophy is that the pursuit of excellence starts with the finest and freshest ingredients. Every morning, SUSHI KORIN go to Tokyo’s famous fish market, Toyosu, and carefully select the day’s best catch. By choosing to select ingredients direct from the market, Masatomo not only delivers a premium assortment of delights to his customers but also provides an ever-changing, seasonal dining experience.

    To serve the very best sushi, Masatomo also believes in going straight to the source and developing strong relationships with farmers and producers of other necessities. This includes purchasing ingredients such as seaweed (nori) from Saga prefecture, sea urchin (Uni) from Hokkaido prefecture and rice (kome) from the Kyoto prefecture. All of which he visits regularly in his quest to bring the best products into his restaurant.

    With his obsession to detail in every piece of sushi he serves, Masatomo does not stop with the selection and preparation of the food. The restaurant features a traditional sushi bar made of Kiso Hinoki (Japanese Kiso Cypress wood) estimated at 380 years old. Additionally, to deliver an authentic dining experience, Masatomo has also carefully selected a variety of traditional plates and utensils each with their own purpose of shaping a sophisticated, unique and cheerful environment.

  • 店へのこだわり
  • 神聖な木曽檜の清々しい一本板を空間の中心に置き、高級感を極めた天然石の壁面を照らす陰影が美しい内装に仕上げています。清らかで力強い石の呼吸を感じる空間は、心を鎮静する和モダンを演出。




  • 鮨こうりん
  • Commitment to Authenticity
  • When creating the ideal omakase restaurant, Masatomo was influenced greatly by one simple question. What is ‘authentic’ Japanese? The answer was simple and set the foundation for creating the restaurant. Modern Japan is a mix of both tradition and progression. To be authentic is to cherish the traditions of omakase sushi passed from generations of sushi chefs before him. As a result, the restaurant features a bar made from a 380 year old piece of Kiso Hinoki wood and sushi is served in the time honoured tradition on a variety of plates each with their own purpose. The restaurant itself is also small intimate setting which bring you face to face with Masatomo himself who gauges your tastes and adjusts the meal accordingly.

    Being authentic is also about progression; a willingness to develop new methods, ideas, and tastes. For instance, Masatomo has engaged with other professionals to develop a gluten-free experience for those that choose it, making Sushi Korin distinct from other omakase restaurants in Tokyo. Also distinct in our industry, Korin Sushi offers a small waiting area to relax before your seats are ready so if you arrive early, come and enjoy a glass of wine while you wait.

    Perhaps the best example of our belief that tradition and progression equals an authentic Japanese omakase experience is in the design of the restaurant itself. With imported Italian stone being wrapped around beautifully by kumiko wood laced screens,
    the restaurant is a fine example of our vision of an authentic Japanese dining experience.